editiorials, Education, guest posts

February: Inspiration for Intrepreneur

“Mistakes Are Not Synonyms for Failures!” By: The Energy Shifter, Treashure Banks “Cicely, can you please explain to me why the location for next month's event has been changed? Did something fall through with the venue? What’s going on? We hadn’t discussed relocating the venue and we’ve already sent out invitations to the guest with… Continue reading February: Inspiration for Intrepreneur


Angel of Fatherless Daughters

It's Autumn 2016 and as I take a look at my surroundings, I see nothing but promotion of positivity, breakthroughs, tragedies turning into triumphs and ambitious women amongst it all of course! I am truly honored to introduce you to Angel Brown, author of the breakthrough book Fatherless Daughter. Fatherless Daughter', a different perspective is… Continue reading Angel of Fatherless Daughters

features, interviews, profiles

June Ambitious Man of The Month

How is it already June !? Six months went by so fast and so much has happened! Wow. I'm not complaining at all especially because it is officially "Summer Time" and --NO SNOW for at least a few more months (God willing) 🙂 I don't know about you but my June is already packed tight… Continue reading June Ambitious Man of The Month